
譯自“David Turner: The LGPL and Java“。翻譯並未經過原作者的授權及認證,且摻雜許多原文所無之贅字以幫助讀者得其真意,原作者所撰寫之英文版本方為具解釋性的唯一可參照版本,故<font color="red">本頁面之相關資訊僅供線上參考</font><font color="red">而不採用公眾授權的方式提供重製與散布</font>


The LGPL and Java by David Turner

LGPL授權條款在Java環境下的運作方式 作者:David Turner

This article was written in November 2004, when LGPLv2.1 was the most current version of the license. Since then, LGPLv3 has been published. The main points of this article remain true about LGPLv3, but some of the details, such as section numbers, have changed.


It has always been the FSF's position that dynamically linking applications to libraries creates a single work derived from both the library code and the application code. The GPL requires that all derivative works be licensed under the GPL, an effect which can be described as “hereditary.” So, if an application links to a library licensed under the GPL, the application too must be licensed under the GPL. By contrast, libraries licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) may be linked to proprietary applications.

自由軟體基金會在連結方面向來解讀的立場是,若是將應用程式動態連結至函式庫後,結合為一個新的軟體專案,那這個軟體專案便是該應用程式與函式庫共同的衍生作品。也就是說、此例中如果該函式庫是以GPL為授權條款,那就會開啟一般俗稱的「GPL授權條款的授權承繼性1)」,也就是說、整個衍生的軟體專案都要受到GPL授權條款的拘束,在再散布時只能以GPL授權條款為唯一能選擇的授權方式,此拘束力及於軟體專案中本非以GPL授權的應用程式部份。比較上來說、LGPL授權條款在拘束範圍上就沒有GPL這麼嚴謹的授權承繼性,所以LGPL授權的函式庫能與不開放程式源碼的私有應用程式 (Proprietary applications)以連結的方式結合在一起運用,而不會影響彼此的授權狀態。

In July of 2003, Slashdot published a story claiming that I had claimed that the LGPL did not function as intended in the case of Java. This story was based on a misunderstanding of a response to a question sent to, and many attempts to clarify the issue in the Slashdot story did not get across. I have recieved numerous questions about the story since, via both and personal email.

在2003年7月份的時候, Slashdot網站上發表了一篇報導,這篇報導提到我(David Turner)認為LGPL授權的函式庫在Java的環境下進行編譯,彼此的授權機制將不能妥善的運作。這樣的報導內容,其實是誤解了我於 licensing@gnu.org信箱的回覆內容,其後我於Slashdot網站上也做了若干更清楚的修正說明,但此議題的澄清效果並不如預期,後來還是有很多朋友透過 licensing@gnu.org或是我個人的信箱來詢問這個問題。

FSF's position has remained constant throughout: the LGPL works as intended with all known programming languages, including Java. Applications which link to LGPL libraries need not be released under the LGPL. Applications need only follow the requirements in section 6 of the LGPL: allow new versions of the library to be linked with the application; and allow reverse engineering to debug this.


The typical arrangement for Java is that each library an application uses is distributed as a separate JAR (Java Archive) file. Applications use Java's “import” functionality to access classes from these libraries. When the application is compiled, function signatures are checked against the library, creating a link. The application is then generally a derivative work of the library. So, the copyright holder for the library must authorize distribution of the work. The LGPL permits this distribution.

而在Java這個程式語言的運作環境下,原則上會將應用程式所會連結利用的函式庫改以JAR(Java Archive)的檔案格式儲放。應用程式一般也要透過Java內設的”輸入機制”來利用這些儲存為JAR檔名的函式庫。而當應用程式透過Java進行編譯時,函式庫與應用程式之間的呼叫關係亦會被Java環境重新編撰以建立連結。所以、一般來說這個應用程式會被視為函式庫的衍生作品。以至於、這個衍生作品需經原函式庫的著作權利人同意後方能繼續向外散布。而這樣的利用方式,與LGPL授權條款預設的規則並沒有任何的衝突(LGPL授權的程式、原本就允許衍生作品能夠繼續向外散布)。

If you distribute a Java application that imports LGPL libraries, it's easy to comply with the LGPL. Your application's license needs to allow users to modify the library, and reverse engineer your code to debug these modifications. This doesn't mean you need to provide source code or any details about the internals of your application. Of course, some changes the users may make to the library may break the interface, rendering the library unable to work with your application. You don't need to worry about that—people who modify the library are responsible for making it work.

如果您散布了一個Java的應用程式,並利用Java的輸入機制來利用LGPL授權的函式庫,這個程式的授權狀態其實稍加調整就可以符合 LGPL所要求的散布義務。這個應用程式的授權狀態需要容許使用者能修改應用程式背後的函式庫(以LGPL授權的函式庫),並且應用程式本身也要容許使用者可以進行還原工程以修正程式後續可能遭遇的軟體瑕庛。但這並不表示您需要提供這個應用程式的完整程式源碼或是內部的呼叫資訊。當然、若程式後續使用者誤改了函式庫的部份程式碼,會造成應用程式與函式庫之間的溝通介面失效而讓整個軟體無法運作。然而、這樣的問題您毋需特別緊張,在自由軟體的改作規則裡,本來就是修改者要為軟體專案的合用性自負其責。

When you distribute the library with your application (or on its own), you need to include source code for the library. But if your application instead requires users to obtain the library on their own, you don't need to provide source code for the library.


The only difference between Java and C from the LGPL's perspective is that Java is an object-oriented language, supporting inheritance. The LGPL contains no special provisions for inheritance, because none are needed. Inheritance creates derivative works in the same way as traditional linking, and the LGPL permits this type of derivative work in the same way as it permits ordinary function calls.


亦常被稱為授權承繼性(License Inheritance),因解讀的立場不同,亦可能被稱為授權攫取性(License Capture)、授權互惠性(License Reciprocal),或是較中性的授權拘束性。
David Turner此篇文章的觀點,應是「應用程式」與「LGPL函式庫」連結在一起利用,最後的結合專案確實是該LGPL函式庫的衍生作品,但是LGPL授權條款,並沒 有要求所有的衍生狀態都需要為其授權承繼性所及,整個程式專案即使身為LGPL函式庫的衍生作品,仍然可以僅提供該LGPL函式庫部份的程式源碼即可,而 不需提供應用程式部份所有的程式源碼,除非這個結合的狀態是整個軟體專案都成為一個整體的可執行檔。
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