

  1. 每個人來到世上都有他/她的天職與定位,能不能發揮得當,端視是否能夠打開心眼,真實的觀察這個世界,並以呼應內心真摰感受的方式來與其他人事物互動。唯有這樣,才能真正感受到生命的充實與安心,而不是處在人世洪流中惶惶惑惑一生。(Every one has his own bounden duty and destiny, to bring the life into full play or not is decided by whether he can make the clear sight heartily or not. If one can observe this world on the true seeing eyes, and acting responsively to his inner voice. By that, is the only way to reach the deep relief, rather than living pointless and drifting with the tide with no root.)
  2. 不需要過度的否定自己,如果只是純粹否定而沒有解決之道,倒不如就這樣接受自己。因為生命不是沒有靈魂的物品,他/她也許不完美,但都有自己能夠發揮的角色與位置。
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