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莊老師、治安 & 文茵早安!
趁腦中記憶還算深刻,以及Wikimania議程正式開幕之前的這個空檔,把昨天下午二點到五點半進行的Greater China Sub-Regional Meeting大要整理一下。
其實在Pindar來之前,這場會議的與會者大致都不了解CC-4.0在porting與translation之間的差異在哪裡,就此我大概就雅加達會議裡的發展,對他們做了基本的介紹,此時香港與澳門方面的代表才大致了解。香港的李亞虹副教授、李雪菁副教授是法律背景,他們在了解之後對於translation project沒有反對意見,反而是持歡迎態度,因為他們認為當初在porting時花了太多的力氣,如果改成翻譯,那麼相對力氣是小的,而且以香港高度英語化與商務化的背景,應也不致產生衝突;澳門汪誠芳女士恰巧也是專職翻譯的背景,他在大學裡擔任翻譯課程方面的講師,所以對CC想發展的translation project也沒有太大的意見,但她表示細節還會回去和CC澳門負責法律條款的同仁再磋商;而我有表達在台灣,許多鄉土文學或是教育領域的人士,願意將作品以CC釋出,其中一個很大的原因也是看重CC條款本地化的象徵意義,所以不論CC條款未來如何變化,希望還是有一個台灣當地的中文版本,而不是依CC HQ預設的一個語言一個翻譯版本,並且、舉例來說依CC-BY-SA-2.5釋出的作品,其實作品的使用者可以為此作品改採後續版本來進行散布(僅限CC-BY-SA-2.5、CC-BY-SA-3.0),那麼原作者是以CC-BY-SA-3.0釋出其台語名謠之後,若在CC-4.0推出之後,被改以全國一致的CC-4.0條款來被運用,更在翻譯參照上被貫以唯一的「大中華翻譯版本」,這樣的情況若是發生,也許會讓這些原作者難以接受,當然、CC並非是泛政治化的授權機制,但運轉時也應該要考量一下創意參與者的立場與感受。
上述討論的中期Pindar來了,在Pindar來之後,大致就是由其主導討論的問題,Pindar提出來幾個比較大的問題,希望此次CC SUMMIT的與會代表能夠在大會中進行討論,他也禮貌的要求SooHyun Pae能將這些議題,向CC HQ作一個簡要的提交。這些想法是:
祝大家 日安、順心
20130809 09:29 誠夏
Many Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) projects have been largely improved both in maturity and stability in recent years. Accompany with that, implementing FOSS to speed up the manufacturing circle of products is an irreversible tendency for most companies in Taiwan. Since FOSS is different from traditional proprietary software in licensing model, the in-house governance policy should be accordingly changed to comply with its licensing rules. But till now, many Taiwan companies are still not familiar with the first thing about the FOSS governance, this kind of recklessness would build up a barrier from implementing FOSS projects properly and might even cause legal disputes in the long run. Responding to that, speaker of this session will start this talk with a description of FOSS licensing characteristic, its content, obligation, and the differences from proprietary software. Following that, the issues arising when implementing FOSS in commercial product will be discussed. The governance flowchart of FOSS management process will also be introduced. This part includes Source Code management method and software list inheritance mechanism. Finally, speaker will explain the rationale of the governance flowchart. Hopes the audience can all get a better understanding of the flowchart and reduce the infringement risks on FOSS implementation in the future.
林誠夏 (Lucien Lin) ,網路暱稱為 “Lucien” 或 “lucien.cc”,知識背景為科技法律,但是也喜歡學習任何新奇有趣的事物。自2005年開始任職於中央研究院自由軟體鑄造場,踏入自由軟體授權條款的研究領域,並專職於自由軟體授權條款的解說分析,以及自由軟體商業運用模式的觀察記錄。2008年開始擔任自由軟體鑄造場的專案經理,2010年兼任電子報主編,目前已卸下這二份職務,改戮力於個人的書籍寫作並轉任計畫維運發展的諮詢顧問。
Lucien C.H. Lin, the frequently used internet ID is “Lucien” or “lucien.cc”. His education background is mainly in the field of technology laws, but he also has many interests and is inclined to learn new and creative things. In 2005, he stepped in the study area of “Free and Open Source Software (FOSS)” licenses and became an academia research member of the “Open Source Software Foundry (OSSF)” project. Since then, he is in charge of the analysis and interpretation of FOSS licenses, the record and track of FOSS business trends and models. He served as the project manager of OSSF project since 2008, and the OSSF newsletter chief editor since 2010. After retiring both of the positions in 2011 and shifting his role in OSSF as a management advisor, he devotes himself to the writing of “Understanding Free and Open Source Software Licensing as Business Intelligence”. Sincerely he hopes to help Taiwan people get a better and useful understanding of FOSS licensing by the publishing of this book.